Xizmatlar-King Plaza Hotel, Toshkent shahri
King Plaza Hotel sizning turar joyingizni iloji boricha qulay qilish va barcha ehtiyojlaringizni qondirish uchun keng ko'lamli xizmatlarni taklif etadi.
Biz mehmonlarimizga maksimal darajada qulaylik va ularning barcha ehtiyojlarini qondirishga intilamiz. King Plaza mehmonxonasida bo'lganingizda ushbu qulay xizmatlardan foydalanish uchun xodimlarimiz bilan bog'laning.
Yashashda ko'rsatilgan xizmatlar
Nonushta "Bufet"
Breakfast is included in the price of your stay at the hotel.
Breakfast time is from 07:00 to 10:00 daily.
Breakfast time is from 07:00 to 10:00 daily.
Parking space
Our hotel offers convenient and safe parking for all guests. Parking is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance, which provides easy access to the hotel. As well as round-the-clock video surveillance for your safety.
Our hotel provides free Wi-Fi for all guests. Connectivity is available in rooms, public areas and on site, allowing you to stay connected at any time. We provide high internet speeds so that you can easily work, chat or have fun. Just connect to our network and enjoy the comfort and convenience of communication during your stay!
Indoor swimming pool
In our hotel you will find an indoor swimming pool, which is ideal for relaxation and relaxation at any time of the year. The pool is equipped with modern facilities and is maintained in perfect condition. Here you can enjoy swimming and also spend time with family and friends. Sun loungers and towels are provided for your convenience. Diving into our indoor pool will give you unforgettable moments of relaxation and tranquility during your stay!
Spa area (Turkish hammam and Finnish sauna)
In our spa area you will find a unique Turkish hammam and a Finnish sauna, which will give you unique moments of relaxation and wellness.
The Turkish hammam is an ideal place for deep cleansing and recovery. Enjoy mild steam, relaxing aromas and traditional treatments that help relieve stress and improve blood circulation.
A Finnish sauna is a classic way to relax and strengthen your health. High temperature and dry air promote detoxification and relaxation.
Both areas are decorated in a stylish and cozy interior, which creates an atmosphere of complete tranquility. Spend your time usefully and enjoy our spa area!
The Turkish hammam is an ideal place for deep cleansing and recovery. Enjoy mild steam, relaxing aromas and traditional treatments that help relieve stress and improve blood circulation.
A Finnish sauna is a classic way to relax and strengthen your health. High temperature and dry air promote detoxification and relaxation.
Both areas are decorated in a stylish and cozy interior, which creates an atmosphere of complete tranquility. Spend your time usefully and enjoy our spa area!
Our hotel offers a modern gym equipped with everything necessary for comfortable workouts. In the gym you will find cardio equipment, power machines and free weights, which allows both beginners and experienced athletes to practice.
The spacious and bright room creates ideal conditions for active activities. We also offer access to training programs and recommendations from our qualified instructors if you need help or motivation.
Exercise at any time, keep fit and have fun working out in our gym!
The spacious and bright room creates ideal conditions for active activities. We also offer access to training programs and recommendations from our qualified instructors if you need help or motivation.
Exercise at any time, keep fit and have fun working out in our gym!
Storage room
Our hotel has a storage room where you can safely leave your belongings during your stay. This is an ideal solution for those who arrive earlier than the check-in time or plan to leave later than the check-out time.
The storage room is equipped with a security system and is under video surveillance, which guarantees the protection of your belongings. We also offer convenient shelves and storage spaces to keep your bags and personal belongings organized and in order.
Use our storage room comfortably and enjoy your time without unnecessary worries!
The storage room is equipped with a security system and is under video surveillance, which guarantees the protection of your belongings. We also offer convenient shelves and storage spaces to keep your bags and personal belongings organized and in order.
Use our storage room comfortably and enjoy your time without unnecessary worries!
- raqamli tv
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- mini-muzlatgich
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- gigiyenik dush
- mehmonxona parfyumeriyasi
- dush
- yuz-qo'l yuvgich
- issiq pol
- hojatxona vositalari
- hammom sochiqlari
- hammom va hojatxona
- shippak
- hojatxona
- hammom uchun aksessuarlar
- gigiyena vositalari
- xalatlar
- xona shahar tomoniga qaraydi
- xona hovli tomoniga qaraydi
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- Wi-Fi
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- ichki telefon
- «King size» yotog'i
- oyna (ko'zgu)
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- ovoz o'tkazmaydigan devorlar va derazalar
- chekmaydiganlar uchun xona
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- ekologik yondashuv
- kosmetik vositalar
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- ikkita bir kishilik to'shak
- tumba
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- stol
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- xona xizmati
- dazmol
- muzlatgich
- dush kabinasi
- puf
- yumshoq mebel
- kichik stol
- kreslo
- mehmon zonasi
- ma'lumot kartasi, menyu
- ichimlik suvi
- mini-bar
- ikkita televizor
- kofe mashinasi
- isitgich
- vanna
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- divan
- ovqatlanish stoli
- qatlanadigan divan
- kreslolar
- limitsiz SPA
- ikki xonali
- ovqatlanish zonasi
- individual himoya vositalari
- ichki eshik
- interaktiv televideniya
- planshet
- split-tizim
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